Testing and Assessment
We offer a range of testing options from brief psychiatric diagnostic clarification evaluations to comprehensive psychoeducational testing batteries. Dr. Eryn Kruger & Dr. Sarah Mealy, our expert assessment Psychologists, can offer cost effective options for children (2.5 years +), adolescents, and young adults. Common diagnoses/difficulties identified or clarified through evaluations include:
Specific Learning Disabilities
Depression and other mood disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Global Developmental Delay
Intellectual Disability
Behavioral Disorders

Brief Evaluation
Our brief evaluation option is recommended for individuals who are experiencing difficulties with mood, low self-esteem, anxiety, attentional and executive functioning concern. behavioral challenges and family conflicts. In some cases, an assessment of only social, emotional, attentional, or behavioral issues is sufficient. This may be the case when a child is NOT also struggling with learning issues. The testing day includes an interactive process in which the clinician will work directly with the family, as well as one-on-one with the child, engaged in a variety of tasks, rating scales (e.g., parent, teacher, and child forms), and a comprehensive intake.

Developmental Evaluation
Our developmental evaluations are designed to aid in the early identification of developmental delays/differences, autism spectrum disorder, and/or behavioral/emotional challenges. Through early identification, we are able to help families in identifying and obtaining appropriate intervention services for their child in such a critical developmental window (i.e., age birth to 5). The clinician will first complete an intake session with caregivers, during which the clinician will gather a full medical, developmental, adaptive, social/emotional, and behavioral history. Following this appointment, the testing day includes an interactive process in which the clinician will complete a variety of tasks one-on-one with the child, including assessments of early cognitive development, language, pre-academic functioning, and social functioning. In addition to the information gathered during the intake appointment and on the testing day, assessment of the child’s social, emotional, behavioral, and adaptive functioning will be gathered through rating scales (e.g., parent and teacher forms as applicable).

Psychoeducational Testing
Our comprehensive evaluation option, also considered psychoeducational testing, focuses on assessment of cognition (or intellectual abilities), learning and memory, academic achievement, and other areas of processing (i.e., attention and executive functioning; visual motor; phonological). This evaluation allows the clinician to not only identify areas of difficulty, but also to provide answers about why these difficulties appear to exist for an individual (e.g., weaknesses in decoding, attentional deficits, a combination of factors). Following a comprehensive intake, the testing day includes an interactive process in which the clinician will complete a variety of tasks one-on-one with the child, including assessments of cognitive abilities/intelligence, academic achievement, memory, and attention/executive functioning testing. Also included in the comprehensive evaluation is an overview of the child’s social, emotional, behavioral, and adaptive functioning assessed through rating scales (e.g., parent, teacher, and child forms), behavioral observations, and additional social functioning assessments when necessary (e.g., autism specific assessments).